Kamis, 07 Maret 2019

  1. Vending Machine

~Function: For saved drinks (in bottle or kaleng) and can served costumer secara Otomatis
         ~How to cleaning: Lap bersih

  2. Ice Maker
~Function: Khusus for memproduksi es batu dalam bentuk dan kapasitas tertentu
                ~How to cleaning: Lap kering

  3. Ice Cream Machine

~Function: for meqbekukan berbagai macam ice cream berdasarkan adonan yang dibuat dan bermacam-macam sherbet
        ~How to cleaning: Lap kering

  1. Crepe Pan
~Function: Penggorengan kecil yang khusus used for made crepe (adonan yang digoreng tipis)
      ~How to cleaning: Clea water and soap

  2. Fried egg

~Function: Khusus for menggoreng eggs
~How to cleaning: clean water and soap

 3.    Wok
~Function: penggorengan caking with two holder for fried with more oil
~How to cleaning: clean water and soap.

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