Jumat, 24 Mei 2019


Tuesday April 16 2019, as usual I arrived at the campus at 7:00. because I arrived too fast so I waited for about an hour before the practice began. 8:00 the practice starts. Before starting practice, we pray asking God to practice today then we are directed to prepare the ingredients that we prepared yesterday because it will be served soon, on this day my group will present ingen no goma ae. after all groups have finished processing food on the rotas menu II.4 and are ready to be served. because tomorrow is a holiday so we are directly directed to prepare the ingredients we will use for the rotation menu II.1. which will be presented on Thursday

1 komentar:

  1. mari bergabung dengan kami di ionqq_com
    menangkan uang jutaan rupiah
    ditunggu apa lagi segera bergabung yuk dengan kami ^^
