Jumat, 24 Mei 2019


1.       Potato peeler

Function : mengupas kentang dalam jumlah banyak
Material : stainless steel, aluminium
cleaning : cuci dan dilap

2.       Chiller 

Function : menyimpan makanan yang akan digunakan dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama
Material : aluminium, plastik, baja, fiberglass
Cleaning : dicuci dan dilap

3.       Toaster

Function : untuk memanggang roti
Material : aluminium
Cleaning : dilap dengan kain


1.       Chopping knife

Function : untuk mencincang sayur, bumbu, daging dan lain-lain
Material : stainless steel
Cleaning : cuci dengan sabun lalu bilas

2.       Blender 

Function : untuk menghaluskan bahan ampas yang akan diolah
Material :
Cleaning :di cuci dengan sabun

3.       Muslin cloth

Function : menyaring kaldu/stock
Material : kapas/katun
Cleaning : dicuci lalu bilas

April 29 to May 2, 2019 This week we practice together with seniors because we will run a FITE event. And also this week is our last week of practice in the second semester before the final. this week we prepared for 2 days and 2 days of live cooking for the FITE event This week we were assigned to make various types of food such as fruit ice, meatballs, satay, fried rice, sushi, and others. We were divided into several groups, in one group we handled 1 or 2 types of food My group made 20kg of white rice and fried rice, so I and the senior together prepared ingredients that we would use to make fried rice and white rice

Image result for nasi goreng

Image result for nasi putih

Thursday April 18 2019 Today we gather in the kitchen at 8:00 to do the practice, before we start practice on this day we oneline to pray asking God to launch activities today After praying, we immediately gathered with our respective groups to finish the food we will present today. All groups finished handling the food before 12.00. Exactly at 12.00 we rested and for the Muslims who prayed. after that we ate together in the kitchen before cleaning the kitchen


Tuesday April 16 2019, as usual I arrived at the campus at 7:00. because I arrived too fast so I waited for about an hour before the practice began. 8:00 the practice starts. Before starting practice, we pray asking God to practice today then we are directed to prepare the ingredients that we prepared yesterday because it will be served soon, on this day my group will present ingen no goma ae. after all groups have finished processing food on the rotas menu II.4 and are ready to be served. because tomorrow is a holiday so we are directly directed to prepare the ingredients we will use for the rotation menu II.1. which will be presented on Thursday


Monday, April 15, 2019, I arrived at the campus at 7:00. as usual before starting our practice oneline and not praying for the smooth practice of data today. after that we gathered with our respective groups to discuss the menu that we will make today my group prepares ingredients to be used for the ingen no goma ae appetizer menu consisting of beans, sesame seeds, shoyu, sugar, and salt. at 12:00 p.m. all who are Muslim to perform prayers and who rest for a while. after that we continue to prepare for groups that have not been completed and those who have finished preparing help to get the work done quickly

Thursday, April 4, 2019 As usual, we gathered at 8:00 to do the practice and complete the rotation menu II. Before we do the learning process we do not forget to pray that the practice process today will be smooth Today we are working on the rotation menu II.3. Before we start the practice, we hear the direction given by the supervisor. then we gather according to our respective groups My group will make green bananas, we immediately prepare the tools and materials that will be used in making green bananas.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Today I arrived at the campus at 7:00. As usual, we started the practice with oneline and prayed according to our respective beliefs for smooth practice on the day. we gathered according to each group today we continue handling the rotation menu II.1, which is at the stage of completion and presentation. because tomorrow is a holiday, we also handle the rotation menu II.2 and are immediately presented today Today my group will present is the traditional egg drop soup and gai tod takrai & yam makeua yao with khau plao. First of all we deal with us handling the egg drop soup that was prepared yesterday