Kamis, 21 Februari 2019


On moday, 18 february 2019 was help a flag ceremon, and i was came late so i can't attend the flag ceremony because the weather was in bad condition taht's the ceremony was accelerated

after the ceremony, we immediatly changes our clothes to do practice, after we finish changing our clothes, we directly went to pastry for listening the introduction from mr. ical and explaining about breakfast

after that, we was divide into 10 groups, group 1 make coffe and tea + preserves, group 2 make juice, gorup 3 make soft roll, group 4 make french bread, group 5 make toast bread. And another 5 groups make a english breakfast that what will be out tomorrow. Group 10 got a task for makes a oatmeal and cornflakes, and make english muffin for today and tomorrow



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